Dear Visitor,

Here you’ll find ad hoc bits of writing attempts to calm my confusion of thoughts and feelings. It’s part of the process. I’m long overdue making a post tbh, but maybe one or two of these will resonate with you. Or make you cringe sharp exit. Either way, it’s all good.

Thank fuck we’re not a mono-culture.

Best wishes,

Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder

Doing to get through

'Doing to get through' was a sequence of around 60 mono-prints I made in 2018. It had been a tough few years of major life events that had taken their toll on the attention I could give to my art practice.

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Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder

Trash art sabotage

Considering I would love to make a living from my art it is fairly idiotic to make these paintings on cooking foil, knowing full well they will become kind of trashy.

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Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder

paint as a multidimensional medium

I approach painting as a multidimensional medium, which suits my interest in impermanence and fluidity. I work with acrylic paint in all its states from slippy liquid to flakey dry, using glued-together aluminium cooking foil to make expansive paintings that resist ever being finished.

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Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder

working with personal hang-ups

Anyway... I'm aware that I feel shy and vulnerable to show my drawings. But in recognition of these feelings and the dubious reason for them being there – I'm guessing it's down to the hegemony of the white male patriarch – and how those feelings have stifled my growth, this is a powerful reason for me to face up to my angst and continue making them to see where they lead me.

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Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder

Play AS CONDUIT to awaken our dormant selves

But despite this ‘tiny dot’ syndrome, I am passionate about protecting and awakening the agency we each have to make a positive contribution. For this, I’m certain we need to protect our imaginations, our time to think, our freedom to play, and our power to reach each other’s souls through art.

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Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder


My work was hosted by a family in their home, and going up for a day of preparation work to make the floor cast foil surfaces, revealed a very familiar and welcome approach to living with children: messy, playful, child-friendly spaces mixed in with the lives of grown-ups.

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Sarah Ryder Sarah Ryder

A rhythmic unsettling of something resolved

Feeling walls with my fingers a few millimeters away from the surface. Resonance. A reverberation of touch from the sounds of the radius. The cut radius. A section. slice. piece. fragment. Entropic lands. Sand.

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